To change the habitual attitude of many to work clothes as obligatory, uncomfortable and unaesthetic. After all, overalls have long begun to play a much larger role. In today's world, corporate clothing is the image of the company as a whole, and, of course, the safety of employees. Protection against aggressive environment and comfort. We want to make the working days of each employee a little more pleasant thanks to durable, high-quality and at the same time comfortable work clothes. No matter who you dress in a special uniform - a security guard or a cleaner, a technician or an administrative worker, in really good overalls, they will look like a model of their profession, and the company will be the only well-coordinated mechanism.
Наша спеціалізація
The company "Nika-Text" is engaged in the production and sale of workwear, overalls and corporate uniforms. The company was founded in 2000. Initially, she specialized in the production of overalls for miners, road workers, signal clothing, work uniforms. In 2014, due to the current circumstances in the country, the company "Nika-Text Plus" was reoriented to the production of military equipment, clothing for servicemen. For many years the company has been actively volunteering. Then the company began to produce medical reusable and disposable clothing. From simple bathrobes to clothes for maximum protection. Many medical institutions were provided with our medical clothes. Thanks to many years of experience and close cooperation with suppliers of fabrics and accessories, it was not impossible for us to provide the factory with such necessary and scarce materials for sewing medical clothing.
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